HIGH BC Now Airing on Wild TV & Streaming on Wild TV+

Edmonton, Alberta – April 5th, 2024 - Wild TV announces the addition of a new Canadian series to their second quarter lineup, HIGH BC. Wild TV’s content partnership with Ashley Stuckless, host and president of HIGH BC, enables the network’s fanbase of channel and streaming service subscribers to watch a variety of BC resident hunts, starting with a ten day stone sheep hunting adventure, followed by a mule deer hunt in the Cascade Mountains. Audiences can access these episodes, as well as the rest of Season One, through Wild TV’s cable channel, or the Wild TV – LIVE! stream, and also on-demand via the HIGH BC collection on Wild TV+.
Wild TV’s Vice President, Scott Stirling, comments, “There’s no better way to learn about hunting in a specific province than watching the resident hunters of that area pursue their species of choice. Our subscribers will definitely be entertained and informed by Ashley’s backcountry adventures!”
Stuckless also comments, “HIGH BC is very proud to join the only Canadian hunting channel and are looking forward to bringing stories of the BC backcountry resident hunter. High BC is a self-produced hunting show filmed in some of the most remote areas of British Columbia, largely focused on backpack hunting with fellow resident hunters.”
To check airtimes for HIGH BC, visit Wild TV’s broadcast schedule.
High BC started a few years ago as a YouTube channel documenting British Columbia hunts with family and friends. High BC follows host Ashley Stuckless and other guest BC resident hunters on hunts with family and friends in some of the most amazing places British Columbia has to offer. High BC productions are self-filmed with all post production done in house. The show focuses on the challenges and the opportunities available to resident hunters, with an eye on conservation and giving back to the BC, Canadian, and North American hunting community.